Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Teaching Episode (Lesson Plan)

Ed3940: Peer Teaching Episode
Date: April 2nd, 2009
Group: Robin Skinner, Sarah Rowsell, & Kirsten Watters

Grade: 6
Unit: Measurements
Lesson Topic: Capacity
Students will be expected to:
- D1 -> use the relationship among particular SI units to compare objects.
- D3 ->demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between capacity and volume
- D6 -> solve measurement problems involving length, capacity, area, volume, mass and time.

Our lesson will be dealing with capacity and enhancing the students’ estimation skills. The student will be working hands on with manipulatives and real life materials to discover capacity. To start off we will recap what the students have “previously learned” (that 1cm³=1ml). The teacher may have a few different sized bottles with the same amount of water in them to show that capacity is not always how high the liquid goes in a container. To be sure that the students fully understand this concept they will be using 2L pop bottles, water, funnels, rubber bands, and capacity cards to practice estimating the different water levels on the pop bottle.

Students will work in groups of four and be sure that each student has a turn to give their opinion on where the water level will be. After the students have a chance to work with some small capacities and some larger ones the teacher will move on to a more difficult concept in which the students will apply this knowledge/practice.Throughout this activity the teacher will circulate the classroom to see how well the students understand before moving on. A checklist may be used here. The reason why a checklist was chosen is because it is an easy and effective way of assessing students while making the teacher available to the students at the same time. The teacher is able to guide the students through the lesson while still having the students assessed. The teacher will have the checklist on hand, and available on one page. This way, it is easy to check off names and components while guiding through the lesson.

Once the teacher has determined that the students understand how to apply capacity and different measurements the next activity can be introduced. To introduce this activity a word problem will be given on the overhead. After thinking with their group about the problem and discussing the answer students will create their own problems, using the manipulatives provided. This allows for diversity because each student/group can create a problem that suits their own ability level. The teacher may provide some struggling learners with extra hints to get them started, or an advanced learner may want to provide the assistance to give them extra practice and reinforce their learning.

Required Materials:
· (6) 2L pop bottles· Funnels
· Water supply for each group
· Extra water in case of spillage
· Paper towels· 1cm3 blocks
· Elastics· Capacity Cards
· (6) Containers to represent pools

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