Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The benefits of making your own fraction kit!!

In class we made a fraction kit. This is something that I would definitely use in my classroom. My professor asked us to create whole, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, then 1/24. Each fraction would be on a different color of paper. Making fraction kits are great for students to understand the abstract concept of fractions. For example; when making ¼, I made ½, and then halfed both of my halves. Similarily with 1/8. To make 1/8, I halfed my paper, then halfed one half, and then halfed between each line. It sounds complicated, but it really was not that bad. By students creating their own fraction kit, they can see the relationship of each fraction to each other. The benefits of the fraction kit does not end there. Students can use their newly made fraction kits has manipulative to figure out problems. Also, with their fraction kits they can see four ¼ makes one whole, as well as the various other fractions that are equal to one another. For example, we were asked to create 6 1/8's. There was more than one answer to this problem. Some were; 8 1/24's, 9 1/12's and 1/2 + 1/4. This fraction kit proves to be beneficial in aiding students concepts of how different fractions relate to eachother, they can visibly see which ones are bigger, and even must think about other fractions when cutting for a particular fraction.

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